Thought for Today

Yesterday is gone, taking its regrets.

Tomorrow is yet to be, with its possibilities.

Today is here, with people who need your love.

Right Now.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Time Flying By

We went camping after Church on August 30th. Now it is Monday, eight days later and I'm left wondering where the time went. Oh, well. I can't bring it back, so have no choice but to move on.

Here's our RV in it's assigned spot.

Sunday and Monday of our campout was nice, but a bit rainy from time to time and fairly cool. But Tuesday was the pick day of the trip. A nice sunny day with lots of fair weather cumulus clouds scudding across the sky. We tromped all over the camping area and took a bunch of pictures.

We relaxed most of the time, sitting on the concrete pad outside of our camper. I scouted out a whole bunch of firewood and used a small seven inch saw to cut it up into handy 15 - 18 inch lengths, which fit the fire ring handily. I wore my sandals and ended up collecting a ton of seeds that wanted me to provide transportation to somewhere else. They ended up being picked out of my socks and burned in the fire.

The microwave oven in the old bus gave up the ghost Wednesday morning, so now I'll have to get a new old from Wal-Mart and put it in before our next trip out at the end of September. I thought about having the RV repair people do it, but that would be pretty expensive. By having me do it, the only twist will be that I will have to build a frame around it to make it look nice in the cabinet hole. The old microwave was made especially for an RV and has a metal frame around it. My carpenter skills are, at best, primitive, but I'll do what I can to make it look decent.

There are unmistakable signs that the seasons are in transition. The solid green of June, July, and most of August is giving way to varying shades of green and the berries on some of the trees and shrubs are beginning to ripen. While it is quite warm sitting in the sunlight, there is a hint of coolness in the shade and once the sun sets in the evening, the air can grow almost chilly. These are camping trips when the evening fire is really nice. You can sit or stand around the fire and warm your front, then turn around and warm your rear!

It reminds of the days of my early youth when my grandmother would take me to what had been her home throughout the 1930s and in 1950 became my home. But in 1944 - 1947 she lived with us and would take me on trips to that Catskill mountain home. The only heat was a large wood-burning kitchen stove. Grandma would get up first on a chilly morning, go out and draw water from the well and get the stove burning for the day. My favorite breakfast was bacon and fried eggs, made in a heavy cast iron skillet. She would take a piece of bread and stab it with a fork, lift a burner out of its spot and toast the bread over the flames. Add fresh butter and homemade berry jam and you really were in heaven.

One of the things I love about out chosen camp spot is the way the sun plays on the water on sunny days. Here in Southern Illinois we don't have really clear lake or stream water. There is too much of a dirt burden in the water, so it looks brown (or sometimes green) when you look directly down into it. But on sunny days, the sun gets at good angles to make the water look nice and blue - the way water should be, right?

Here is a shot across the inlet between South Sandusky Campground and North Sandusky Campground. We have always stayed in South Sandusky, but might shift one time to try some different light.

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