Thought for Today

Yesterday is gone, taking its regrets.

Tomorrow is yet to be, with its possibilities.

Today is here, with people who need your love.

Right Now.

Friday, November 20, 2009

People This Week

The last week has been both hectic and enjoyable. A week ago I visited Virginia Griggs in the hospital and her prognosis was still "TBD." Then, last Friday, she was released to home to continue her rehab there. Her husband, Bob, has converted a downstairs room into a bedroom for her, so now she won't ave to fight the stairs going up and down each day. She has a long way to go, but at least the first lap has been covered and now she and the family can concentrate on the rest of the race.

On Wednesday morning I drove north to Effingham where Tom Carr, my Eucharistic Visitor, entered the hospital to undergo surgery fot prostate cancer. I anointed him and visited with his wife, Margaret, for a bit before driving back to Salem for the afternoon.

A bit after 3 PM I visited Earl Moldovan at his rehab and he had fantastic news - he would be released to home on Friday. After that he would have a health care worker come in on a daily basis for a couple of weeks to get him started on his home rehab PT. In a visit to his home several days earlier, the therapist put Earl though his paces and determined that with the addition of a grab bar in the shower and a stool for him to sit on while bathing, the house didn't need any further modifications. Earl's son, Sandy, had installed a ramp for Earl to use for entry and exit to the house, but the therapist said that she preferred that he just use the steps since he now had the strength to do that and it made no sense to use a "crutch" that wasn't necessary. That is great news and all of Earl's friends at church and Rotary Club are looking forward to his return.

Wednesday evening, the ECW (Episcopal Church Women) held their Thanksgiving Dinner meeting. The main dish was pork loin and that was accompanied by salad, potatoes au gratin, and corn with a freshly baked dinner roll to accompan the meal. For dessert, everyone had their choice of raspberry pie or peanut butter pie. I settled for the raspberry pie and only gained two pounds in the meal!

I took most of Thursday off since I am already well over my hours for the month. Then, today, Good Wife Sue and I went to the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra for a lovely concert of Handel, Hayden and two pieces by Mendelsohn. The main Mendelsohn piece was "Revelation" which celebrated (in 1830) three hundred years of the Lutheran Augsberg Confession. Luther's great hymn, "A Mighty Fortress is our God" was a significant feature of that symphony, albeit, reworked greatly by Mendelsohn. A great lunch at Red Lobster followed and tonight I rang the bell at Wal-Mart for "Minister's Day" of starting the Ministerial Alliance fundraising efforts for the season.

We're hoping and praying for something more than $25,000 this year to use to feed the needy and help out with emergency assistance on Rent and Utilities. We've asked for the same amount every year for the last four or five years. We've always made it, but just. This year we hope that the recession doesn't cut down too much on giving - the need always goes up. Unemployment in Marion County is now over 11% - the official number. But the real rate is probably 16 - 18%. Wherever you are this year, give to your local charities. They really need your help if they are to keep helping others.

Sweet Dreams and God Bless All. TAD+

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