Thought for Today

Yesterday is gone, taking its regrets.

Tomorrow is yet to be, with its possibilities.

Today is here, with people who need your love.

Right Now.

Monday, December 7, 2009


The season of Advent is a wonderful one, but we've managed to mess it up by insisting that the coming of Christ is a woeful event. Personally, I love the season and its climax on Christmas Eve when we all gather to celebrate God's coming into the world to take it on himself. So I will continue to joyously celebrate this season of the Church.

But for those of you who prefer something more somber, here is a little ditty I got off the internet:

Have Yourself a Dismal Little Advent
(An Advent Carol?)

Have yourself a dismal little Advent,
Filled with guilt and gloom.
You’ve got these four weeks to contemplate your doom.

Turn down all those party invitations;
Mustn’t celebrate;
You should stay home fasting, and self-flagellate.

Shun the lure of the shopping mall,
Where they’ve decked the hall since May.
Just recall it’s the eschaton You must focus on today.

It’s no time for singing Christmas carols;
That we can’t allow!
Chant Psalm 51, if you remember how–
And have yourself a dismal little Advent now!

Thanks to Ann Fontaine, quoting Mary Cox who, I presume, wrote this little ditty.

Peace to All. TAD+

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