Thought for Today

Yesterday is gone, taking its regrets.

Tomorrow is yet to be, with its possibilities.

Today is here, with people who need your love.

Right Now.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Big Celebration

Today, Thursday, I felt 100% better. I got up at 0630 after Serendipity (the grey cat) had been pestering me for about half an hour. I put on some shorts and a tee-shirt, then fed the critters. Around 0800 Sue got up and came downstairs and we had a Cottage Cheese mixed with Fruit breakfast.

After that I drove to see my family practitioner, Dr. Varanasi. His nurse Jeannie gave me my semi-monthly vitamin B-12 shot then Dr. V. came in and we went over one of my latest blood tests – one taken on 27-July-2009. The only big change from January was a drop in my platelets from 88 to 77 (thousand). That’s my damaged liver at work – or not. My TSH was 0.121, which was low, indicating that my thyroid is working overtime. He noted that there are no "in-between" doses for my levothyroid, so we’ll just let it ride and see if I begin to lose excessive weigh (in his dreams). My weight this morning was 216 pounds, up 4 pounds in three days. It was his opinion that the saline solution I received on Monday as part of the EGD (the better part of one liter which contains about 9,000 mg of sodium), probably knocked my salts out of kilter. He increased my daily dose of lasix from 40 mg, twice a day, to 60 mg, twice a day. He told me to do that for four or five days. I’ll try that since my feet are swollen to the point of pain and discoloration. I showed him the pictures Dr. Pahnke, the surgeon, gave to me after the EGD and asked him to explain what I was looking at since I wasn’t sure. Turns out I did have it right as to what was what and what it showed, so that was nice to know. I probably need to find some kind of anatomy book that can help me understand better what is going on in my own body.

This evening Sue and I went with Barney and Joyce Bruce to Mary’s Restaurant in Herrin, Illinois. That’s as close to a top-notch dining experience one can have staying in Southern Illinois. I had the wood fire grilled Salmon, Sue had the Veal Piccata, Joyce had the Chicken Oscar, and Barney had the Beef Filet. For dessert we each chose a different one, in order to share. They have five desserts on the menu, so we were talking about how we were going to miss out on the Chocolate Cake with Raspberry Sauce.

I had metinioed to our waiter, Jeff, that we were there to celebrate our anniversary and Barney’s birthday. So when he brought out the desserts, we each got our own, plus the chocolate cake thrown in courtesy of the restaurant. So we had Cheese Cake with a Peach Dressing (Peaches are at a peak here in Southern Illinois), Lemon Pie, Flan, and Bread Pudding with Peaches topped with a Brandy sauce, Ice cream and Whipped Cream. Our bill, including the tip (no one had any alcohol) came to $103. Barney and Joyce got away with around $95. But, believe me, it was worth it!

Then a drive back home where we bid the Bruces "Good Night" and Sue and I watched an episode of an Old Testament series of lessons (on a DVD) from the Teaching Company – a really good investment of around $60. The to the computer and bed. Again, Sweet Dreams and God Bless.

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