Thought for Today

Yesterday is gone, taking its regrets.

Tomorrow is yet to be, with its possibilities.

Today is here, with people who need your love.

Right Now.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Life on a Country Garden Estate

I went to bed at around my normal time last night – 1 AM. Anyone of a certain age knows what it is like to be older and on Lasix, so understand that I was up several times during the night, even though I take my evening dose around 5 PM. Anyway, to make a long story short, by the time everything settled down I really fell asleep and didn’t wake up until 9 AM! Wow, like being a kid on summer vacation again.

Today began with a slight rain, but it was so light that I figured that this was as good an opportunity as I was likely to have for a while. So I spent about three hours sweeping up the grass I mowed a few days back then, applying Turf Builder Plus 2 to my entire "main" lawn. Our place is "L" shaped, with the long leg lying down and the short leg sticking up towards the north. The front part is one acre in size while the stub is half an acre.

Our neighbor across the street had a visitor from England some years back and he admired our place and called it a "Country Garden Estate." I don’t know about the "Estate"part, but we do live in a small country village and do lots of gardening – flowers, shrubs, vegetables, and fruit.
I divide the front part into sections, just for convenience. Each section is about one-quarter acre in size. The part I fertilize is the section to the West, the section around the house, and the section to the immediate east. The "Far East" is the vegetable garden (right now that’s 20’ X 20’, but will grow some next year) and the Little Orchard which consists of two dwarf peach and two dwarf apple trees. So far I’ve had only two small peaches, but they should begin to bear well in the next two years (they’re now 3 years old).

After fertilizing, I mowed the "Far East" and worked on completing two compost bins by the veggie garden. Then I applied herbicide in a number of places in the North Yard and in the Far East around the compost bins and the fruit trees.

By then it was dinner time and good wife Sue had done all of the work this time – I didn’t even have to barbecue. We had her homemade ratatouille, cucumber and onion salad, sliced tomatoes, Corn on the Cob and, for dessert, Peaches and Cream on homemade scones (that I had made a few weeks ago and had frozen). Altogether a yummy meal.

Tomorrow I’m off to an Evangelism workshop with two of the men from my church, Tom and Jeff. We had one other to go, but she had a death in the family and tomorrow is funeral day. We’ll think about her. Maybe tomorrow evening I’ll have something else to write about than my simple life. In the meantime, sweet dreams and God Bless.

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