Thought for Today

Yesterday is gone, taking its regrets.

Tomorrow is yet to be, with its possibilities.

Today is here, with people who need your love.

Right Now.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day of work and Rest

Hre's my report for Wednesday:

Today I was dizzy and a bit befuddled all day long. Sue and I went to the Rotary Club meeting in Salem where I had a Chef Salad. Then we worked at the church all afternoon. I had one woman come in for help. She needed food for herself and her young toddler. So we went a block east to the nearby "Sav-A-Lot" store where I gave her a shopping list of allowable items and told her that if she needed something more to just ask me. It developed that she also needed household cleaning items, so we added a few. The total cost for about 5 days food plus the cleaning stuff came to $40.75.

I spent the rest of the afternoon going over the mail – even churches get loads of junk mail. Then a couple of my flock came in to clean up the sanctuary and we got into a long discussion about her pending trip to France. Yes, I am envious, but I did have a great trip to the UK in the Spring, so can’t complain.

When we drove home in the evening I felt a bit better. I watered my Rose Garden and deadheaded the roses (removed the now wilted older flowers). That took about half an hour and help me to at least move around some. By then it was 7:00pm and time for supper, so we grilled pork chops and corn on the cob on the outdoor grill and had a very nice supper of summer vegetables – lots of green beans from the garden.

We’re now in the abundance of summer and harvest tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, and green beans almost every day. Add to that the fresh Corn on the Cob sold by our Amish friends and we have a real feast in the making. I usually grill the corn and the zucchini and sometimes even a couple of tomatoes. Wife Sue chewed me out for putting too much salt on my corn – my weight is still up after my EGD on Monday. To bring the lesson home to this bad boy, she counted the number shakes of salt I used, then got out a measuring spoon and showed me that I had actually used about half a teaspoon - no wonder I’ve packed on liquid weight. I should know better since right now my ankles and feet are painfully swollen.

Maybe I’ll do better next year, but I doubt it. I am, after all, a male of the species and like they say, "You can always tell a man – you just can’t tell him very much!" Good night, sweet dreams, and God bless.

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